King Size Silvery White

HELICHRYSUM bracteatum - HE3285

Excellent large white flowers, very pure colour, perfect for cut flower and dried flower

Crop type Cut Flowers
Article code HE3285
Full Name HELICHRYSUM bracteatum King Size Silvery White
Year of Introduction 2024
Common Name Strawflower
Botanical Category Annuals
Species bracteatum
Series King Size
Variety Silvery White
Family Asteraceae
Hybrid No
Colour White
Height in cm - inches 100 - 39
Height Category Tall
Flowering - Harvest Aug, Sep
Use C - Cut flower, cut foliage, D - Dry flower, J - Full sun, Y - Attracting beneficial insects and hummingbirds
TSW 0.7143
Seedcount per gram 1400
Germination Method Top of Paper, 20°C, Light - (TP20L)
Days to Germinate 0-7
Division Home Garden Flowers
