
CENTRANTHUS ruber - CE7530

the select rose form, first year flowering perennial

Crop type Cut Flowers
Article code CE7530
Full Name CENTRANTHUS ruber Roseus
Year of Introduction 2024
Common Name Red Valerian
Botanical Category Perennials first year flowering
Species ruber
Variety Roseus
Family Valerianaceae
Hybrid No
Colour Rose
Height in cm - inches 75 - 30
Height Category Tall
Flowering - Harvest Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
Use C - Cut flower, cut foliage, J - Full sun, L - Landscaping, P - Pot plant, patio plant, W - Wild flower, Y - Attracting beneficial insects and hummingbirds
TSW 2.1277
Seedcount per gram 470
Days to Germinate 7-14, 14-21
Division Home Garden Flowers
