
AMMOBIUM alatum - AM7050

Also known as "mini Helichrysum" with long lasting flowering time, great for cut flower and dry flower

Crop type Cut Flowers
Article code AM7050
Full Name AMMOBIUM alatum Grandiflorum
Year of Introduction 2024
Common Name Winged Everlasting
Botanical Category Annuals
Species alatum
Variety Grandiflorum
Family Asteraceae
Hybrid No
Colour White
Height in cm - inches 85 - 33
Height Category Tall
Flowering - Harvest Jul, Aug, Sep
Use C - Cut flower, cut foliage, D - Dry flower, H - Heat tolerant, L - Landscaping
TSW 0.5000
Seedcount per gram 2000
Days to Germinate 0-7
Division Home Garden Flowers
