TTA-811 F1

TTA-811 is a red short-day onion known for its high resistance to pink rot and exceptional external and internal bulb colour. It produces a consistent, uniform crop with excellent size and shape, and boasts a high yield potential. Its strong, vigorous tops protect the bulbs from sun damage, while a short curing period due to thin necks reduces time spent grading. The attractive deep red colour, both externally and internally, makes it a standout variety.

Common Name Onion
Organic Seed No
Récolte VP Onion
Crop Segmentation Short Day
Variety TTA-811 F1
Resistances IR: Pt (Pyrenochaeta terrestris | Pink rot)
Maturity Early, Medium-Early
Market Use Fresh Market
Shape Globe
Latitude range 00 - 15



Paul Leenheer Europe centrale, France, Asie centrale